- contains
bool contains(I img, int x, int y)
- copyRect
void copyRect(I dest, I src)
Performs an image blit from src to dest.
- drawHorizontalLine
void drawHorizontalLine(I img, int x1, int x2, int y, P p)
Draws an horizontal line on an Image.
- drawPixel
void drawPixel(I img, int x, int y, P p)
- drawRect
void drawRect(I img, int x, int y, int width, int height, P e)
Draws a rectangle outline in an Image.
- drawVerticalLine
void drawVerticalLine(I img, int x, int y1, int y2, P p)
Draws a vertical line on an Image.
- fillImage
void fillImage(I img, P e)
Fills a whole image with a single element value.
- fillRect
void fillRect(I img, int x, int y, int width, int height, P e)
Fills an uniform rectangle area in an Image.
- getPixel
I.element_t getPixel(I img, int x, int y, EdgeMode em)
This module defines the notion of an Image. An Image is simply defined as a 2D array of elements, with methods to set/get those elements.
The Image concept might be the basis of a generic software renderer.