- column
column_t column(size_t j)
- frustum
Frustum!T frustum()
Extract frustum from a 4x4 matrice.
- inverse
Matrix inverse()
- inverse
Matrix inverse()
- inverse
Matrix inverse()
- opAssign
Matrix opAssign(U x)
Assign with a samey matrice.
- opAssign
Matrix opAssign(U x)
Assign from other small matrices (same size, compatible type).
- opAssign
Matrix opAssign(U x)
Assign with a static array of size R * C.
- opAssign
Matrix opAssign(U x)
Assign with a dynamic array of size R * C.
- opBinary
column_t opBinary(row_t x)
Matrix * vector multiplication.
- opBinary
auto opBinary(U x)
Matrix * matrix multiplication.
- opCast
U opCast()
Cast to other matrix types.
If the size are different, the result matrix is truncated
and/or filled with identity coefficients.
- opCast
U opCast()
Convert 3x3 rotation matrix to quaternion.
- opCast
U opCast()
Converts a 4x4 rotation matrix to quaternion.
- opEquals
bool opEquals(U other)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opEquals
bool opEquals(U other)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opOpAssign
Matrix opOpAssign(U operand)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- opUnary
Matrix opUnary()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- ptr
T* ptr()
Return a pointer to content.
- row
row_t row(size_t i)
- scale
void scale(Vector!(T, R - 1) v)
- toString
string toString()
Covnerts to pretty string.
- translate
void translate(Vector!(T, R - 1) v)
In-place translate by (v, 1)
- transposed
Matrix!(T, C, R) transposed()
- constant
Matrix constant(U x)
- fromColumns
Matrix fromColumns(column_t[] columns)
Construct a matrix from columns.
- fromRows
Matrix fromRows(row_t[] rows)
Construct a matrix from rows.
- identity
Matrix identity()
- lookAt
Matrix lookAt(vec3!T eye, vec3!T target, vec3!T up)
- orthographic
Matrix orthographic(T left, T right, T bottom, T top, T near, T far)
- perspective
Matrix perspective(T FOVInRadians, T aspect, T zNear, T zFar)
- rotateAxis
Matrix rotateAxis(T angle)
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- rotation
Matrix rotation(T angle, vec3!T axis)
Similar to the glRotate matrix, however the angle is expressed in radians
- scaling
Matrix scaling(Vector!(T, R - 1) v)
- translation
Matrix translation(Vector!(T, R - 1) v)
Make a translation matrix.
Generic non-resizeable matrix with R rows and C columns. Intended for 3D use (size 3x3 and 4x4). Important: <b>Matrices here are in row-major order whereas OpenGL is column-major.</b>