1 /** 2 Translation of SimpleRNG. 3 Removed the builtin RNG to use std.random, but kept the distribution functions. 4 John D. Cook confirmed this code as public domain. 5 6 Authors: John D. Cook. 7 See_also: $(WEB www.johndcook.com/cpp_random_number_generation.html) 8 */ 9 module gfm.math.simplerng; 10 11 public import std.random; 12 import std.math; 13 14 /// Returns: Normal (Gaussian) random sample. 15 /// See_also: Box-Muller algorithm. 16 double randNormal(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double mean = 0.0, double standardDeviation = 1.0) 17 { 18 assert(standardDeviation > 0); 19 double u1; 20 21 do 22 { 23 u1 = uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 24 } while (u1 == 0); // u1 must not be zero 25 double u2 = uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 26 double r = sqrt(-2.0 * log(u1)); 27 double theta = 2.0 * PI * u2; 28 return mean + standardDeviation * r * sin(theta); 29 } 30 31 /// Returns: Exponential random sample with specified mean. 32 double randExponential(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double mean = 1.0) 33 { 34 assert(mean > 0); 35 return -mean*log(uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng)); 36 } 37 38 /// Returns: Gamma random sample. 39 /// See_also: "A Simple Method for Generating Gamma Variables" 40 /// by George Marsaglia and Wai Wan Tsang. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 41 /// Vol 26, No 3, September 2000, pages 363-372. 42 double randGamma(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double shape, double scale) 43 { 44 double d, c, x, xsquared, v, u; 45 46 if (shape >= 1.0) 47 { 48 d = shape - 1.0/3.0; 49 c = 1.0/sqrt(9.0*d); 50 for (;;) 51 { 52 do 53 { 54 x = getNormal(rng); 55 v = 1.0 + c*x; 56 } 57 while (v <= 0.0); 58 v = v*v*v; 59 u = uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 60 xsquared = x*x; 61 if (u < 1.0 -.0331*xsquared*xsquared || log(u) < 0.5*xsquared + d*(1.0 - v + log(v))) 62 return scale*d*v; 63 } 64 } 65 else 66 { 67 assert(shape > 0); 68 double g = getGamma(shape+1.0, 1.0); 69 double w = uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 70 return scale*g*pow(w, 1.0/shape); 71 } 72 } 73 74 /// Returns: Chi-square sample. 75 double randChiSquare(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double degreesOfFreedom) 76 { 77 // A chi squared distribution with n degrees of freedom 78 // is a gamma distribution with shape n/2 and scale 2. 79 return getGamma(rng, 0.5 * degreesOfFreedom, 2.0); 80 } 81 82 /// Returns: Inverse-gamma sample. 83 double randInverseGamma(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double shape, double scale) 84 { 85 // If X is gamma(shape, scale) then 86 // 1/Y is inverse gamma(shape, 1/scale) 87 return 1.0 / getGamma(rng, shape, 1.0 / scale); 88 } 89 90 /// Returns: Weibull sample. 91 double randWeibull(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double shape, double scale) 92 { 93 assert(shape > 0 && scale > 0); 94 return scale * pow(-log(uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng)), 1.0 / shape); 95 } 96 97 /// Returns: Cauchy sample. 98 double randCauchy(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double median, double scale) 99 { 100 assert(scale > 0); 101 double p = uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 102 103 // Apply inverse of the Cauchy distribution function to a uniform 104 return median + scale*tan(PI*(p - 0.5)); 105 } 106 107 /// Returns: Student-t sample. 108 /// See_also: Seminumerical Algorithms by Knuth. 109 double randStudentT(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double degreesOfFreedom) 110 { 111 assert(degreesOfFreedom > 0); 112 113 114 double y1 = getNormal(rng); 115 double y2 = getChiSquare(rng, degreesOfFreedom); 116 return y1 / sqrt(y2 / degreesOfFreedom); 117 } 118 119 /// Returns: Laplace distribution random sample (also known as the double exponential distribution). 120 double randLaplace(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double mean, double scale) 121 { 122 double u = uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 123 return (u < 0.5) ? (mean + scale*log(2.0*u)) 124 : (mean - scale*log(2*(1-u))); 125 } 126 127 /// Returns: Log-normal sample. 128 double randLogNormal(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double mu, double sigma) 129 { 130 return exp(getNormal(rng, mu, sigma)); 131 } 132 133 /// Returns: Beta sample. 134 double randBeta(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double a, double b) 135 { 136 assert(a > 0 && b > 0); 137 138 // There are more efficient methods for generating beta samples. 139 // However such methods are a little more efficient and much more complicated. 140 // For an explanation of why the following method works, see 141 // http://www.johndcook.com/distribution_chart.html#gamma_beta 142 143 double u = getGamma(rng, a, 1.0); 144 double v = getGamma(rng, b, 1.0); 145 return u / (u + v); 146 } 147 148 /// Returns: Poisson sample. 149 int randPoisson(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double lambda) 150 { 151 return (lambda < 30.0) ? poissonSmall(rng, lambda) : poissonLarge(rng, lambda); 152 } 153 154 private 155 { 156 int poissonSmall(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double lambda) 157 { 158 // Algorithm due to Donald Knuth, 1969. 159 double p = 1.0, L = exp(-lambda); 160 int k = 0; 161 do 162 { 163 k++; 164 p *= uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 165 } 166 while (p > L); 167 return k - 1; 168 } 169 170 int poissonLarge(RNG)(ref RNG rng, double lambda) 171 { 172 // "Rejection method PA" from "The Computer Generation of Poisson Random Variables" by A. C. Atkinson 173 // Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C (Applied Statistics) Vol. 28, No. 1. (1979) 174 // The article is on pages 29-35. The algorithm given here is on page 32. 175 176 double c = 0.767 - 3.36/lambda; 177 double beta = PI/sqrt(3.0*lambda); 178 double alpha = beta*lambda; 179 double k = log(c) - lambda - log(beta); 180 181 for(;;) 182 { 183 double u = uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 184 double x = (alpha - log((1.0 - u)/u))/beta; 185 int n = cast(int)(floor(x + 0.5)); 186 if (n < 0) 187 continue; 188 double v = uniform(0.0, 1.0, rng); 189 double y = alpha - beta*x; 190 double temp = 1.0 + exp(y); 191 double lhs = y + log(v/(temp*temp)); 192 double rhs = k + n*log(lambda) - logFactorial(n); 193 if (lhs <= rhs) 194 return n; 195 } 196 } 197 198 double logFactorial(int n) 199 { 200 assert(n >= 0); 201 if (n > 254) 202 { 203 double x = n + 1; 204 return (x - 0.5)*log(x) - x + 0.5*log(2*PI) + 1.0/(12.0*x); 205 } 206 else 207 { 208 return LOG_FACTORIAL[n]; 209 } 210 } 211 } 212 213 private static const double[255] LOG_FACTORIAL = 214 [ 215 0.000000000000000, 216 0.000000000000000, 217 0.693147180559945, 218 1.791759469228055, 219 3.178053830347946, 220 4.787491742782046, 221 6.579251212010101, 222 8.525161361065415, 223 10.604602902745251, 224 12.801827480081469, 225 15.104412573075516, 226 17.502307845873887, 227 19.987214495661885, 228 22.552163853123421, 229 25.191221182738683, 230 27.899271383840894, 231 30.671860106080675, 232 33.505073450136891, 233 36.395445208033053, 234 39.339884187199495, 235 42.335616460753485, 236 45.380138898476908, 237 48.471181351835227, 238 51.606675567764377, 239 54.784729398112319, 240 58.003605222980518, 241 61.261701761002001, 242 64.557538627006323, 243 67.889743137181526, 244 71.257038967168000, 245 74.658236348830158, 246 78.092223553315307, 247 81.557959456115029, 248 85.054467017581516, 249 88.580827542197682, 250 92.136175603687079, 251 95.719694542143202, 252 99.330612454787428, 253 102.968198614513810, 254 106.631760260643450, 255 110.320639714757390, 256 114.034211781461690, 257 117.771881399745060, 258 121.533081515438640, 259 125.317271149356880, 260 129.123933639127240, 261 132.952575035616290, 262 136.802722637326350, 263 140.673923648234250, 264 144.565743946344900, 265 148.477766951773020, 266 152.409592584497350, 267 156.360836303078800, 268 160.331128216630930, 269 164.320112263195170, 270 168.327445448427650, 271 172.352797139162820, 272 176.395848406997370, 273 180.456291417543780, 274 184.533828861449510, 275 188.628173423671600, 276 192.739047287844900, 277 196.866181672889980, 278 201.009316399281570, 279 205.168199482641200, 280 209.342586752536820, 281 213.532241494563270, 282 217.736934113954250, 283 221.956441819130360, 284 226.190548323727570, 285 230.439043565776930, 286 234.701723442818260, 287 238.978389561834350, 288 243.268849002982730, 289 247.572914096186910, 290 251.890402209723190, 291 256.221135550009480, 292 260.564940971863220, 293 264.921649798552780, 294 269.291097651019810, 295 273.673124285693690, 296 278.067573440366120, 297 282.474292687630400, 298 286.893133295426990, 299 291.323950094270290, 300 295.766601350760600, 301 300.220948647014100, 302 304.686856765668720, 303 309.164193580146900, 304 313.652829949878990, 305 318.152639620209300, 306 322.663499126726210, 307 327.185287703775200, 308 331.717887196928470, 309 336.261181979198450, 310 340.815058870798960, 311 345.379407062266860, 312 349.954118040770250, 313 354.539085519440790, 314 359.134205369575340, 315 363.739375555563470, 316 368.354496072404690, 317 372.979468885689020, 318 377.614197873918670, 319 382.258588773060010, 320 386.912549123217560, 321 391.575988217329610, 322 396.248817051791490, 323 400.930948278915760, 324 405.622296161144900, 325 410.322776526937280, 326 415.032306728249580, 327 419.750805599544780, 328 424.478193418257090, 329 429.214391866651570, 330 433.959323995014870, 331 438.712914186121170, 332 443.475088120918940, 333 448.245772745384610, 334 453.024896238496130, 335 457.812387981278110, 336 462.608178526874890, 337 467.412199571608080, 338 472.224383926980520, 339 477.044665492585580, 340 481.872979229887900, 341 486.709261136839360, 342 491.553448223298010, 343 496.405478487217580, 344 501.265290891579240, 345 506.132825342034830, 346 511.008022665236070, 347 515.890824587822520, 348 520.781173716044240, 349 525.679013515995050, 350 530.584288294433580, 351 535.496943180169520, 352 540.416924105997740, 353 545.344177791154950, 354 550.278651724285620, 355 555.220294146894960, 356 560.169054037273100, 357 565.124881094874350, 358 570.087725725134190, 359 575.057539024710200, 360 580.034272767130800, 361 585.017879388839220, 362 590.008311975617860, 363 595.005524249382010, 364 600.009470555327430, 365 605.020105849423770, 366 610.037385686238740, 367 615.061266207084940, 368 620.091704128477430, 369 625.128656730891070, 370 630.172081847810200, 371 635.221937855059760, 372 640.278183660408100, 373 645.340778693435030, 374 650.409682895655240, 375 655.484856710889060, 376 660.566261075873510, 377 665.653857411105950, 378 670.747607611912710, 379 675.847474039736880, 380 680.953419513637530, 381 686.065407301994010, 382 691.183401114410800, 383 696.307365093814040, 384 701.437263808737160, 385 706.573062245787470, 386 711.714725802289990, 387 716.862220279103440, 388 722.015511873601330, 389 727.174567172815840, 390 732.339353146739310, 391 737.509837141777440, 392 742.685986874351220, 393 747.867770424643370, 394 753.055156230484160, 395 758.248113081374300, 396 763.446610112640200, 397 768.650616799717000, 398 773.860102952558460, 399 779.075038710167410, 400 784.295394535245690, 401 789.521141208958970, 402 794.752249825813460, 403 799.988691788643450, 404 805.230438803703120, 405 810.477462875863580, 406 815.729736303910160, 407 820.987231675937890, 408 826.249921864842800, 409 831.517780023906310, 410 836.790779582469900, 411 842.068894241700490, 412 847.352097970438420, 413 852.640365001133090, 414 857.933669825857460, 415 863.231987192405430, 416 868.535292100464630, 417 873.843559797865740, 418 879.156765776907600, 419 884.474885770751830, 420 889.797895749890240, 421 895.125771918679900, 422 900.458490711945270, 423 905.796028791646340, 424 911.138363043611210, 425 916.485470574328820, 426 921.837328707804890, 427 927.193914982476710, 428 932.555207148186240, 429 937.921183163208070, 430 943.291821191335660, 431 948.667099599019820, 432 954.046996952560450, 433 959.431492015349480, 434 964.820563745165940, 435 970.214191291518320, 436 975.612353993036210, 437 981.015031374908400, 438 986.422203146368590, 439 991.833849198223450, 440 997.249949600427840, 441 1002.670484599700300, 442 1008.095434617181700, 443 1013.524780246136200, 444 1018.958502249690200, 445 1024.396581558613400, 446 1029.838999269135500, 447 1035.285736640801600, 448 1040.736775094367400, 449 1046.192096209724900, 450 1051.651681723869200, 451 1057.115513528895000, 452 1062.583573670030100, 453 1068.055844343701400, 454 1073.532307895632800, 455 1079.012946818975000, 456 1084.497743752465600, 457 1089.986681478622400, 458 1095.479742921962700, 459 1100.976911147256000, 460 1106.478169357800900, 461 1111.983500893733000, 462 1117.492889230361000, 463 1123.006317976526100, 464 1128.523770872990800, 465 1134.045231790853000, 466 1139.570684729984800, 467 1145.100113817496100, 468 1150.633503306223700, 469 1156.170837573242400, 470 ];