A spectral distribution of actual energy, from 360 to 780 nm, by 5 nm increments.
Spectral reflectance values. Can only be converted to a SpectralDistribution when lit with a ReferenceWhite. from 300 to 780 nm, by 5 nm increments Reflectances are parameterized by a ReferenceWhite.
Define various RGB spaces, which all have a reference white, a power curve and primary xyY coordinates.
Converts XYZ to linear RGB.
Converts from such a XYZ space back to spectral reflectance. Both spaces being parameterized by the same Illuminant.
Converts linear RGB to XYZ.
Converts spectral color into a XYZ space (parameterized by an illuminant)
Converts from uncompanded RGB to companded RGB. Input and output should be in the [0..1] range.
Converts from companded RGB to uncompanded RGB. Input and output should be in the [0..1] range.
Invalid assumptions are made about the XYZ space. It is actually not dependent on some RGB space. Warning: <b>This module is alpha-quality and scheduled for deprecation. You probably didn't need it anyway.</b>.
This module performs various color computation and conversions.