- close
void close()
Releases the OpenGL dynamic library.
All resources should have been released at this point,
since you won't be able to call any OpenGL function afterwards.
- debugCheck
void debugCheck()
Check for pending OpenGL errors, log a message if there is.
Only for debug purpose since this check will be disabled in a release build.
- getExtensions
string[] getExtensions()
- getExtensionsString
deprecated string getExtensionsString()
- getFloat
float getFloat(GLenum pname)
- getFloat
float getFloat(GLenum pname, GLfloat defaultValue, bool logging)
- getGLSLVersionString
string getGLSLVersionString()
- getInteger
bool getInteger(GLenum pname, int result)
Calls glGetIntegerv and gives back the requested integer.
- getInteger
int getInteger(GLenum pname, GLint defaultValue, bool logging)
- getMajorVersion
int getMajorVersion()
- getMinorVersion
int getMinorVersion()
- getRendererString
string getRendererString()
- getString
string getString(GLenum name)
- getString
string getString(GLenum name, GLuint index)
- getVendor
Vendor getVendor()
Tries to detect the driver maker.
- getVendorString
string getVendorString()
- getVersionString
string getVersionString()
- maxColorAttachments
int maxColorAttachments()
- maxCombinedImageUnits
int maxCombinedImageUnits()
- maxFragmentTextureImageUnits
int maxFragmentTextureImageUnits()
- maxTextureMaxAnisotropy
float maxTextureMaxAnisotropy()
- maxTextureSize
int maxTextureSize()
- maxTextureUnits
int maxTextureUnits()
- maxVertexImageUnits
int maxVertexImageUnits()
- reload
void reload()
Reload OpenGL function pointers.
Once a first OpenGL context has been created,
you should call reload() to get the context you want.
- runtimeCheck
void runtimeCheck()
Checks pending OpenGL errors.
- runtimeCheckNothrow
bool runtimeCheckNothrow()
Checks pending OpenGL errors.
- supportsExtension
bool supportsExtension(string extension)
- textureUnits
TextureUnits textureUnits()
This object is passed around to other OpenGL wrapper objects to ensure library loading. Create one to use OpenGL.