1 module gfm.math.box;
3 import std.math,
4        std.traits;
6 import gfm.math.vector, 
7        gfm.math.funcs;
9 static if( __VERSION__ < 2066 ) private enum nogc = 1;
11 /// N-dimensional half-open interval [a, b[.
12 align(1) struct Box(T, int N)
13 {
14     align(1):
15     static assert(N > 0);
17     public
18     {
19         alias Vector!(T, N) bound_t;
21         bound_t min; // not enforced, the box can have negative volume
22         bound_t max;
24         /// Construct a box which extends between 2 points.
25         /// Boundaries: min is inside the box, max is just outside.
26         @nogc this(bound_t min_, bound_t max_) pure nothrow
27         {
28             min = min_;
29             max = max_;
30         }
32         static if (N == 1)
33         {
34             @nogc this(T min_, T max_) pure nothrow
35             {
36                 min.x = min_;
37                 max.x = max_;
38             }
39         }
41         static if (N == 2)
42         {
43             @nogc this(T min_x, T min_y, T max_x, T max_y) pure nothrow
44             {
45                 min = bound_t(min_x, min_y);
46                 max = bound_t(max_x, max_y);
47             }
48         }
50         static if (N == 3)
51         {
52             @nogc this(T min_x, T min_y, T min_z, T max_x, T max_y, T max_z) pure nothrow
53             {
54                 min = bound_t(min_x, min_y, min_z);
55                 max = bound_t(max_x, max_y, max_z);
56             }
57         }
60         @property
61         {
62             /// Returns: Dimensions of the box.
63             @nogc bound_t size() pure const nothrow
64             {
65                 return max - min;
66             }
68             /// Returns: Center of the box.
69             @nogc bound_t center() pure const nothrow
70             {
71                 return (min + max) / 2;
72             }
74             /// Returns: Width of the box, always applicable.
75             static if (N >= 1)
76             @nogc T width() pure const nothrow @property
77             {
78                 return max.x - min.x;
79             }
81             /// Returns: Height of the box, if applicable.
82             static if (N >= 2)
83             @nogc T height() pure const nothrow @property
84             {
85                 return max.y - min.y;
86             }
88             /// Returns: Depth of the box, if applicable.
89             static if (N >= 3)
90             @nogc T depth() pure const nothrow @property
91             {
92                 return max.z - min.z;
93             }
95             /// Returns: Signed volume of the box.
96             @nogc T volume() pure const nothrow
97             {
98                 T res = 1;
99                 bound_t size = size();
100                 for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
101                     res *= size[i];
102                 return res;
103             }
104         }
106         /// Returns: true if it contains point.
107         @nogc bool contains(bound_t point) pure const nothrow
108         {
109             assert(isSorted());
110             for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
111                 if ( !(point[i] >= min[i] && point[i] < max[i]) )
112                     return false;
114             return true;
115         }
117         /// Returns: true if it contains box other.
118         @nogc bool contains(Box other) pure const nothrow
119         {
120             assert(isSorted());
121             assert(other.isSorted());
123             for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
124                 if (other.min[i] >= max[i] || other.max[i] < min[i])
125                     return false;
126             return true;
127         }
129         /// Euclidean squared distance from a point.
130         /// See_also: Numerical Recipes Third Edition (2007)
131         @nogc double squaredDistance(bound_t point) pure const nothrow
132         {
133             assert(isSorted());
134             double distanceSquared = 0;
135             for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
136             {
137                 if (point[i] < min[i])
138                     distanceSquared += (point[i] - min[i]) ^^ 2;
140                 if (point[i] > max[i])
141                     distanceSquared += (point[i] - max[i]) ^^ 2;
142             }
143             return distanceSquared;
144         }
146         /// Euclidean distance from a point.
147         /// See_also: squaredDistance.
148         @nogc double distance(bound_t point) pure const nothrow
149         {
150             return sqrt(squaredDistance(point));
151         }
153         /// Euclidean squared distance from another box.
154         /// See_also: Numerical Recipes Third Edition (2007)
155         @nogc double squaredDistance(Box o) pure const nothrow
156         {
157             assert(isSorted());
158             assert(o.isSorted());
159             double distanceSquared = 0;
160             for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
161             {
162                 if (o.max[i] < min[i])
163                     distanceSquared += (o.max[i] - min[i]) ^^ 2;
165                 if (o.min[i] > max[i])
166                     distanceSquared += (o.min[i] - max[i]) ^^ 2;
167             }
168             return distanceSquared;
169         }
171         /// Euclidean distance from another box.
172         /// See_also: squaredDistance.
173         @nogc double distance(Box o) pure const nothrow
174         {
175             return sqrt(squaredDistance(o));
176         }
178         /// Assumes sorted boxes.
179         /// Returns: Intersection of two boxes.
180         @nogc Box intersection(Box o) pure const nothrow
181         {
182             assert(isSorted());
183             assert(o.isSorted());
184             Box result;
185             for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
186             {
187                 T maxOfMins = (min.v[i] > o.min.v[i]) ? min.v[i] : o.min.v[i];
188                 T minOfMaxs = (max.v[i] < o.max.v[i]) ? max.v[i] : o.max.v[i];
189                 result.min.v[i] = maxOfMins;
190                 result.max.v[i] = minOfMaxs;
191             }
192             return result;
193         }
195         /// Assumes sorted boxes.
196         /// Returns: true if boxes overlap.
197         bool intersects(Box other)
198         {
199             Box inter = this.intersection(other);
200             return inter.isSorted() && inter.volume() != 0;
201         }
203         /// Extends the area of this Box.
204         @nogc Box grow(bound_t space) pure const nothrow
205         {
206             Box res = this;
207             res.min -= space;
208             res.max += space;
209             return res;
210         }
212         /// Shrink the area of this Box. The box might became unsorted.
213         @nogc Box shrink(bound_t space) pure const nothrow
214         {
215             return grow(-space);
216         }
218         /// Extends the area of this Box.
219         @nogc Box grow(T space) pure const nothrow
220         {
221             return grow(bound_t(space));
222         }
224         /// Shrink the area of this Box.
225         @nogc Box shrink(T space) pure const nothrow
226         {
227             return shrink(bound_t(space));
228         }
230         /// Expand the box to include point.
231         @nogc Box expand(bound_t point) pure const nothrow
232         {
233           import vector = gfm.math.vector;
234           return Box(vector.min(min, point), vector.max(max, point));
235         }
237         /// Returns: true if each dimension of the box is >= 0.
238         @nogc bool isSorted() pure const nothrow
239         {
240             for(int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
241             {
242                 if (min[i] > max[i])
243                     return false;
244             }
245             return true;
246         }
248         /// Assign with another box.
249         @nogc ref Box opAssign(U)(U x) nothrow if (is(typeof(x.isBox)))
250         {
251             static if(is(U.element_t : T))
252             {
253                 static if(U._size == _size)
254                 {
255                     min = x.min;
256                     max = x.max;
257                 }
258                 else
259                 {
260                     static assert(false, "no conversion between boxes with different dimensions");
261                 }
262             }
263             else
264             {
265                 static assert(false, Format!("no conversion from %s to %s", U.element_t.stringof, element_t.stringof));
266             }
267             return this;
268         }
270         /// Returns: true if comparing equal boxes.
271         @nogc bool opEquals(U)(U other) pure const nothrow if (is(U : Box))
272         {
273             return (min == other.min) && (max == other.max);
274         }
275     }
277     private
278     {
279         enum isBox = true;
280         enum _size = N;
281         alias T element_t;
282     }
283 }
285 /// Instanciate to use a 2D box.
286 template box2(T)
287 {
288     alias Box!(T, 2) box2;
289 }
291 /// Instanciate to use a 3D box.
292 template box3(T)
293 {
294     alias Box!(T, 3) box3;
295 }
298 alias box2!int box2i; /// 2D box with integer coordinates.
299 alias box3!int box3i; /// 3D box with integer coordinates.
300 alias box2!float box2f; /// 2D box with float coordinates.
301 alias box3!float box3f; /// 3D box with float coordinates.
302 alias box2!double box2d; /// 2D box with double coordinates.
303 alias box3!double box3d; /// 3D box with double coordinates.
305 unittest
306 {
307     box2i a = box2i(1, 2, 3, 4);
308     assert(a.width == 2);
309     assert(a.height == 2);
310     assert(a.volume == 4);
311     box2i b = box2i(vec2i(1, 2), vec2i(3, 4));
312     assert(a == b);
313     box2i c = box2i(0, 0, 1,1);
314     assert(c.contains(vec2i(0, 0)));
315     assert(!c.contains(vec2i(1, 1)));
316     assert(b.contains(b));
317     box2i d = c.expand(vec2i(3, 3));
318     assert(d.contains(vec2i(2, 2)));
319 }