uint BPP()
- blueMask
uint blueMask()
- clone
FIBitmap clone()
- close
void close()
Releases the FreeImage bitmap resource.
- colorQuantize
FIBitmap colorQuantize(FREE_IMAGE_QUANTIZE quantize)
Applies color quantization.
- colorType
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- convertTo16Bits555
FIBitmap convertTo16Bits555()
Converts an image to 16-bits 555.
- convertTo16Bits565
FIBitmap convertTo16Bits565()
Converts an image to 16-bits 565.
- convertTo24Bits
FIBitmap convertTo24Bits()
Converts an image to 24-bits.
- convertTo32Bits
FIBitmap convertTo32Bits()
Converts an image to 32-bits.
- convertTo4Bits
FIBitmap convertTo4Bits()
Converts an image to 4-bits.
- convertTo8Bits
FIBitmap convertTo8Bits()
Converts an image to 8-bits.
- convertToFloat
FIBitmap convertToFloat()
Converts an image to float format.
- convertToGreyscale
FIBitmap convertToGreyscale()
Converts an image to greyscale.
- convertToRGB16
FIBitmap convertToRGB16()
Converts an image to RGB16 format.
- convertToRGBF
FIBitmap convertToRGBF()
Converts an image to RGBF format.
- convertToType
FIBitmap convertToType(FREE_IMAGE_TYPE dstType, bool scaleLinear)
Converts an image to another format.
- convertToUINT16
FIBitmap convertToUINT16()
Converts an image to UINT16 format.
- data
void* data()
- dotsPerMeterX
uint dotsPerMeterX()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- dotsPerMeterY
uint dotsPerMeterY()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- getImageType
FREE_IMAGE_TYPE getImageType()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- greenMask
uint greenMask()
- height
uint height()
- horizontalFlip
void horizontalFlip()
Flips the image vertically.
- pitch
uint pitch()
- redMask
uint redMask()
- rescale
FIBitmap rescale(int dstWidth, int dstHeight, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER filter)
- rotate
FIBitmap rotate(double angle, void* bkColor)
- save
void save(string filename, int flags)
Saves an image to a file.
- scanLine
void* scanLine(int y)
- toneMapDrago03
FIBitmap toneMapDrago03(double gamma, double exposure)
Applies tone-mapping operator.
- verticalFlip
void verticalFlip()
Flips the image horizontally.
- width
uint width()
FreeImage bitmap wrapper.