- ~this
Undocumented in source.
- close
void close()
Releases the OpenGL texture resource.
- use
void use(int textureUnit)
Use this texture, binding it to a texture unit.
- unuse
void unuse()
- getParam
int getParam(GLenum paramName)
- getLevelParam
int getLevelParam(GLenum paramName, int level)
- setBaseLevel
void setBaseLevel(int level)
Sets the texture base level.
- setMaxLevel
void setMaxLevel(int level)
Sets the texture maximum level.
- setMinLOD
void setMinLOD(float lod)
Sets the texture minimum LOD.
- setMaxLOD
void setMaxLOD(float lod)
Sets the texture maximum LOD.
- setLODBias
void setLODBias(float lodBias)
Sets the texture LOD bias.
- setWrapS
void setWrapS(GLenum wrapS)
Sets the wrap mode for 1st texture coordinate.
- setWrapT
void setWrapT(GLenum wrapT)
Sets the wrap mode for 2nd texture coordinate.
- setWrapR
void setWrapR(GLenum wrapR)
Sets the wrap mode for 3rd texture coordinate.
- setMinFilter
void setMinFilter(GLenum minFilter)
Sets the texture minification filter mode.
- setMagFilter
void setMagFilter(GLenum magFilter)
Sets the texture magnification filter mode.
- setMaxAnisotropy
void setMaxAnisotropy(float f)
Sets the texture anisotropic filter level.
If texture anisotropy isn't supported, fail silently.
- getTexImage
void getTexImage(int level, GLenum format, GLenum type, void* data)
- handle
GLuint handle()
- target
GLuint target()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
- generateMipmap
void generateMipmap()
Regenerates the mipmapped levels.
- _target
GLuint _target;
Undocumented in source.
Wrapper for texture rectangle.